Border Studies

Lara Segade, \"Lo monstruoso, lo siniestro y lo grotesco en algunos relatos de la guerra: las Malvinas como frontera\"

History / Latin American Studies / Literature / Border Studies / War Studies / Argentina History / Argentina / Southern Cone (Area Studies) / Frontier Studies / Literatura Latinoamericana / Literatura / Borders and Frontiers / Literatura argentina / Literatura Hispanoamericana / Malvinas / Guerra / Latinoamerica / América Latina / Fronteras / Borders and Borderlands / Argentina History / Argentina / Southern Cone (Area Studies) / Frontier Studies / Literatura Latinoamericana / Literatura / Borders and Frontiers / Literatura argentina / Literatura Hispanoamericana / Malvinas / Guerra / Latinoamerica / América Latina / Fronteras / Borders and Borderlands

Mary Louise Pratt, \"Lenguas viajeras: hacia una imaginación geolingüística\"

Critical Theory / Cultural Studies / Latino/A Studies / Latin American Studies / Self and Identity / Languages and Linguistics / Border Studies / Literary Criticism / Cultural Theory / Identity (Culture) / Culture / Literary Theory / Imagination / Estudios Culturales / Latinoamerica / Languages and Linguistics / Border Studies / Literary Criticism / Cultural Theory / Identity (Culture) / Culture / Literary Theory / Imagination / Estudios Culturales / Latinoamerica

Menores en el campo migratorio transnacional. Los niños del centro (Drari d’sentro

International Relations / Multiculturalism / International Law / Human Rights / Transnationalism / Poverty / Border Studies / International organizations / Conflict / Security / Nationalism / Diplomacy / Exclusion / Ethnicity / Minority Rights / Peace / Mobility / Freedom / Unaccompanied Refugee Minors / International Organizations / Poverty / Border Studies / International organizations / Conflict / Security / Nationalism / Diplomacy / Exclusion / Ethnicity / Minority Rights / Peace / Mobility / Freedom / Unaccompanied Refugee Minors / International Organizations

“De mansos corderos a tigres y leones: Los misioneros franciscanos ante la conversión religiosa en la Alta California española.” Archivo Ibero-Americano 73:275-276 (2013), 575-604.

Border Studies / History of Missions / Franciscan Studies / History of Colonial Mexico / California History / Colonial Latin American History / Borders and Borderlands / California Missions / Colonial Latin American History / Borders and Borderlands / California Missions

“Franciscanos e indios en la Alta California española, 1769-1822.” [Franciscans and Indians in Spanish Alta California, 1769-1822] Espacio, Tiempo y Forma 20 (2007), 157-170.

Border Studies / History of Missions / Franciscan Studies / History of Colonial Mexico / California History / Colonial Latin American History / Borders and Frontiers / Borders and Borderlands / California Missions / Colonial Latin American History / Borders and Frontiers / Borders and Borderlands / California Missions

La frontera hispánica en la Europa Moderna

European Studies / Early Modern History / Border Studies / Early Modern Europe / Early Modern Intellectual History / US-Mexico Borderlands / Spain (History) / Borderlands Studies / Borders and Frontiers / Borderlands / Borderlands History / Borders and Borderlands / European borders / US-Mexico Borderlands / Spain (History) / Borderlands Studies / Borders and Frontiers / Borderlands / Borderlands History / Borders and Borderlands / European borders

La frontera con Francia: un elemento dinámico en la historiografía catalana de la época moderna

Cultural Studies / Early Modern History / Border Studies / Historiography / Identity (Culture) / Early Modern Europe / Early Modern France / Ethnic Identities / Spain (History) / Borderlands Studies / Border Studies (Geography) / Early modern Spain / Portugal / Catalonia / Borders and Frontiers / Historiografia / Borders and Borderlands / Historiografía / Early Modern Europe / Early Modern France / Ethnic Identities / Spain (History) / Borderlands Studies / Border Studies (Geography) / Early modern Spain / Portugal / Catalonia / Borders and Frontiers / Historiografia / Borders and Borderlands / Historiografía

Los espacios fronterizos binacionales del sur sudamericano en perspectiva comparada

Border Studies / Fronteras / Borders and Borderlands / Estudios Fronterizos

Trabajadores fronterizos en la triple frontera Colombia-Brasil-Perú

Border Studies / Labor Migration / International Migration / Migration Studies

Review of Brett Josef Grubisic, Gisèle M. Baxter, and Tara Lee, eds. Blast, Corrupt, Dismantle, Erase: Contemporary North American Dystopian Literature.

Dystopian Literature / Transnationalism / Border Studies / Utopian Studies / Science Fiction / Dystopian Fiction

La semilla del Estado Islámico en Irak: crisis económica, social y política

Middle East Studies / Border Studies / War Studies / Iraq War / Relaciones Internacionales / Fronteras / Teoria de las Relaciones Internacionales, Seguridad Internacional, Constructivismo social / Irak / Conflicto En El Medio Oriente / Seguridad y Defensa. Fronteras / Seguridad Y Defensa / Politica Exterior / Syrian Civil War / Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant / Fronteras / Teoria de las Relaciones Internacionales, Seguridad Internacional, Constructivismo social / Irak / Conflicto En El Medio Oriente / Seguridad y Defensa. Fronteras / Seguridad Y Defensa / Politica Exterior / Syrian Civil War / Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant


Border Studies / Mexican Revolution / Borders and Frontiers / Borders and Borderlands / Through Pictures
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